Are you obsessed with opals like we are? You may have read about how expensive and rare they usually are, or perhaps you just got your first piece as a gift and want to test if it’s real. In either case, it’s critical to recognize an opal stone in order to protect yourself from being duped by dealers who might attempt to con you out of money. Here’s how to determine whether an opal is real now that you are aware of the dangers associated with purchasing opals. The moment you understand, it’s simple – just keep an eye out for these traps and follow these tips and tactics. 

What Is An Opal?

Opal is a common silicate mineral that is mined in areas with volcanic activity. It is formed when water in the soil mixes with minerals like iron, silicon, and aluminum. The mixture of these components creates a chemical reaction that results in an opal. It’s a naturally occurring gemstone with an organic appearance and soft and delicate texture. It is semi-transparent, with a color that ranges from milky white to colorless.

How To Check If An Opal Is Real?

There are a few characteristics you can check for to determine whether an opal is genuine. You can do a number of tests to establish whether an opal stone is genuine or not, just as with most gemstones. Here are several methods you can use to tell if an opal is real: –

Weigh The Stone

This may sound silly, but there’s a reason why we’re recommending this. Usually, natural opals are heavier in weight than fake ones. 

Check The Color

You can do this by holding the opal stone to the light. If it diffuses the light and creates a rainbow effect, it’s most likely a natural opal.

Check For Inclusions

Natural opal stones may include imperfections called inclusions. Genuine opals will contain some spots, but they will be undetectable to the unaided eye and small. Opal stones found in nature will hold a tiny bit of transparency. However, they will appear foggy, as if a thin layer of fog had been added to the gravel. The imperfections in the stone are to blame for this. Opals with a high degree of transparency are synthetic rather than natural.


Finally, you can test if the stone is natural by finding out where it’s from. Natural opals will always come from Australia. So, if you came across an opal mined and sold outside of Australia, it’s most likely synthetic. Genuine opals are mined and sold in Australia. Natural opals are mined from iron, silicon, and aluminum-rich areas. 


Now that you are aware of the dangers associated with opal purchases, let’s look at how to determine if an opal is real. With these hints, suggestions, and red flags, it’s simple, the moment you get the hang of it! Natural opals are expensive, rare, and valuable gemstones. They can be identified by their organic colors, milky appearance, and faint transparency. Natural opals are heavier in weight than synthetic ones and are not very transparent. If you come across an opal that is bright and colorful, has a smooth texture, and is light in weight, it’s probably synthetic.

Contact us Victoria Marie Jewelers experts for more useful advice on opal jewelry.